All Information About Hair

Hair Loss Problem

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), also known as a treatment rich in platelets, is a procedure where blood is taken from an individual and, after undergoing certain processes, is injected into the necessary body tissues. PRP services can be applied as a solution to aesthetic issues such as skin rejuvenation and hair loss. However, the application of this procedure is not limited to aesthetic purposes alone; it is also used as a method to accelerate the healing process of injured ligaments, muscles, tendons, and joints. PRP Hair treatment, on the other hand, is a method that contributes to restoring thin and weak hair to a healthy and strong state, primarily for individuals with sparse and weak hair. PRP Hair Treatment has become one of the most effective methods applied to prevent hair loss, providing significant benefits in a short period of time. With PRP Hair treatment, materials obtained from an individual's blood are applied to the scalp, aiming to rejuvenate hair follicles.


Hair transplant center in Antalya

How does the process progress after a hair transplant?

Hair transplants are typically performed under local anesthesia. After the hair transplant, a special bandage is applied to the head. The person is discharged after 1-2 hours. Pain is controlled with painkillers in case of minimal discomfort. Generally, after a three-day rest at home, individuals can return to work and their daily lives.

At ALMINA POLYCLINIC, we have been providing skin health and rejuvenation treatments since 2007, making it a principle to use the latest technologies and products in our clinic.

At ALMINA POLYCLINIC, we have been providing skin health and rejuvenation treatments since 2007, making it a principle to use the latest technologies and products in our clinic.

You can call us at our number 0 242 311 05 81

We offer services in 15 different health branches. We are here for all aesthetic areas, from Hair Transplants to Tattoo Removal.

We can accept payments with all domestic and international credit and bank cards.


Happy Customers

We thank all our Almina customers.

Ümit Sever

"I previously had my hair transplanted at a different place, but I wasn't satisfied, so I chose Almina Polyclinic. I am very happy now; I'm glad they exist!"

Tuğçe Maya

"I have had laser hair removal here and am extremely satisfied. It's a place with a friendly team, and I can always choose it. I would like to thank Zeynep Hanım for her attention and meticulousness"

Yasemin Dikmen

"I thank the entire team for their quality, hygienic, and professionally updated services through Dr. Yasin Bey. It's the only place I confidently receive services from."

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